complex personality

美 [kəmˈpleks ˌpɜːrsəˈnæləti]英 [ˈkɒmpleks ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti]
  • 复杂的性格
complex personalitycomplex personality
  1. The personality and complex personality between consultative students and normal students were studied .


  2. Dramatic characters and typical and complex personality ;


  3. There are significant difference between male and female in 4 personality factors and 2 complex personality factors .


  4. She has a very complex personality and sometimes I feel I don 't know her at all .


  5. Poems with Subtle Style Complex Personality On Li Qingzhao 's Temperament from Her Verse


  6. The complexity of cosmetology not only attributes to a rapid development of medical technology , but also to these patients complex personality traits .


  7. It should have been perfectly plain to you all along that Tony is an Italian American with the complex personality of the subaltern On the one hand , he believes in the American dream .


  8. Organizing various Web services according to process can better meet the complex and personality demands and organize various Web services more effectively to make web services play the biggest role .


  9. In the novel the writer through shaping a large number of complex and personality of the characters displayed their wealth and freedom of the inner world , continue to express their perceptions of reality and the constant pursuit of life .


  10. Through the combination of man-machine system to express the complex relationships of personality and learning performance . 5 .


  11. Chapter V , for example , a female psychologist to explore the childhood trauma , the relationship between oblivion and rebirth , the three complex manifestation of the personality , has been interwoven into the complete shape of the personality .
